1. Mathematics Facilitator - IGCSE / AS / A levels
We are looking for a dynamic and experienced Math facilitator with minimum 2 years of experience in reputed Cambridge school.
2. School Counselor
We are looking for a school wide counselor with experience in developing socio-emotional skills in learners from Primary to Secondary school level.
3. English Facilitator - IGCSE / AS / A levels
Looking for facilitators with experience in teaching English through experiential learning and as per Cambridge standards with a minimum of 2 years experience in a reputed Cambridge school.
4. Primary Homeroom Teachers
Looking for Primary (Grade 1 to 4) Homeroom teachers with expertise in core subjects (English/Math/Science) along with ICT with a minimum of 2 years experience in a reputed Cambridge school.
5. Science Facilitator - Middle to IGCSE level
Looking for a dynamic facilitator who has expertise in combined science with a minimum of 2 years experience in a reputed Cambridge school.
6. Global Perspectives Facilitator - Middle to IGCSE level
Looking for a dynamic facilitator who has expertise in Global perspectives with a minimum of 2 years experience in a reputed Cambridge school.
7. Early Years Facilitators
Looking for a dynamic facilitator who has expertise in implementing the Early years Cambridge curriculum with a minimum of 2 years experience in a reputed Cambridge school.
8. Physics Facilitator: High School (IGCSE / AS / A Levels)
Looking for facilitators with experience in teaching Physics through experiential learning and as per Cambridge standards with a minimum of 2 years experience in a reputed Cambridge school.
9. Physics Facilitator: Middle school (Grade 6 to 8)
Looking for facilitators with experience in teaching middle school Physics through experiential learning and as per Cambridge standards with a minimum of 2 years experience in a reputed Cambridge school.
10. French Facilitator: Middle and High school
Looking for dynamic facilitators with experience in teaching French with cultural immersion and as per Cambridge standards with a minimum of 2 years experience in a reputed Cambridge school.
11. Chemistry Facilitator: High School (IGCSE / AS / A Levels)
Looking for facilitators with experience in teaching Chemistry through experiential learning and as per Cambridge standards with a minimum of 2 years experience in a reputed Cambridge school.
12. Spanish Facilitator: Middle and high school
Looking for facilitators with experience in teaching Chemistry through experiential learning and as per Cambridge standards with a minimum of 2 years experience in a reputed Cambridge school.
Note: - Having knowledge on conducting Cambridge practical examinations will be preferred for Science.
We are always looking for talented individuals who are willing to contribute to our mission. If you think you can positively contribute to our growth and impact, Please fill the following form. If your profile fits our requirement, our representative of Sarvalokaa will get in touch with you.